Beverly: The Past 3 Months
Dear Beverly,
How you have grown these past 3 months! You have so much personality and so much light! We love being your parents!!
It is difficult to decide what to write about to describe these past 3 months, so I will let the pictures tell the stories and instead describe some things I have grown to love about you and some things I have learned about being a mom, a wife and a person. They are in random order and a little scattered but as is the case for most letters, I am writing this late after a long, yet really satisfying day :)
It is difficult to decide what to write about to describe these past 3 months, so I will let the pictures tell the stories and instead describe some things I have grown to love about you and some things I have learned about being a mom, a wife and a person. They are in random order and a little scattered but as is the case for most letters, I am writing this late after a long, yet really satisfying day :)
You are going to be a dentist. You love teeth! You are absolutely fascinated by teeth :) Whenever we hold you, you point your little chubby finger at our face, we smile and then you tap on our teeth. If we don’t smile and show you are teeth, you will shove, quiet forcefully, your little finger into our mouth. Dad will sometimes pretend to bite your little fingers and you will squeal with delight. It is so fun to watch.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic all our classes and work were moved online and so Dad is home all day with us. A couple weeks ago your Dad and I finally made some changes to our apartment that we had been wanting to make for while. One of those changes meant we had to move the piano into your bedroom. It has actually been wonderful as Dad plays you lullabies on the piano almost every night. You like to sing along in your own way and you love when Dad plays the Hokie Pokie! You wiggle and shake and flap your little arms around.
I have been having some anxiety recently, some of it related to school and some related to being a mom. Your sweet Dad wasn't quite sure how to help me but told me that I could spend the whole day in bed, shirk all my responsibilities and just be as lazy as I wanted to. He promised to take care of you and everything else that I needed to do if I just relaxed and only did what I wanted to. Well that sounded pretty good to me so I agreed. Well around 11pm you woke us up crying and wouldn’t calm down. You had gotten your legs stuck in the bars of the crib and that seemed to have frightened you. I was holding you, trying to calm you down, when Dad came in the room and asked if he could take you and walk you around the apartment. I was hesitant to give you to Dad, I wanted to comfort you because I felt that that was my job as a wife and mom. But then I remembered our agreement so I gave you to Dad and watched from my bedroom as he walked you around the living room singing you little songs to calm you down. Why had I thought that I was the only one capable of nurturing you and caring for you? I have been putting so much pressure on myself and have completely ignored the fact that I have a husband, who can and should and wants to take part equally in caring and nurturing you! Sister Bingham of the General Relief Society Presidency, gave a talk on Saturday in General Conference this past weekend, she explained that men need to step up and take equal responsibility for helping in the home and that women need to let them help! I am really grateful for this counsel and your Dad reminding me about it! I feel less pressure now as a Mom knowing that I have your Dad beside me for every step of the way, I just needed to learn to trust him and to let him help :) My lazy day ended up being awesome and I actually got a lot of good things done :)
Tomorrow your Aunty Star gets married! The temples have all been closed due to the pandemic so a lot of couples are just getting married civilly and will get sealed as soon as the temples are open again. Grandma and Grandpa Smith won’t be able to make because the borders are closed but we will be there for Aunty Stars special day!
Now for the pictures :) They are in order from most recent to oldest, so April to January!

On our way home from school! You were so tired you fell asleep in the carrier.

Silly Baby!!

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic all our classes and work were moved online and so Dad is home all day with us. A couple weeks ago your Dad and I finally made some changes to our apartment that we had been wanting to make for while. One of those changes meant we had to move the piano into your bedroom. It has actually been wonderful as Dad plays you lullabies on the piano almost every night. You like to sing along in your own way and you love when Dad plays the Hokie Pokie! You wiggle and shake and flap your little arms around.
I have been having some anxiety recently, some of it related to school and some related to being a mom. Your sweet Dad wasn't quite sure how to help me but told me that I could spend the whole day in bed, shirk all my responsibilities and just be as lazy as I wanted to. He promised to take care of you and everything else that I needed to do if I just relaxed and only did what I wanted to. Well that sounded pretty good to me so I agreed. Well around 11pm you woke us up crying and wouldn’t calm down. You had gotten your legs stuck in the bars of the crib and that seemed to have frightened you. I was holding you, trying to calm you down, when Dad came in the room and asked if he could take you and walk you around the apartment. I was hesitant to give you to Dad, I wanted to comfort you because I felt that that was my job as a wife and mom. But then I remembered our agreement so I gave you to Dad and watched from my bedroom as he walked you around the living room singing you little songs to calm you down. Why had I thought that I was the only one capable of nurturing you and caring for you? I have been putting so much pressure on myself and have completely ignored the fact that I have a husband, who can and should and wants to take part equally in caring and nurturing you! Sister Bingham of the General Relief Society Presidency, gave a talk on Saturday in General Conference this past weekend, she explained that men need to step up and take equal responsibility for helping in the home and that women need to let them help! I am really grateful for this counsel and your Dad reminding me about it! I feel less pressure now as a Mom knowing that I have your Dad beside me for every step of the way, I just needed to learn to trust him and to let him help :) My lazy day ended up being awesome and I actually got a lot of good things done :)
Tomorrow your Aunty Star gets married! The temples have all been closed due to the pandemic so a lot of couples are just getting married civilly and will get sealed as soon as the temples are open again. Grandma and Grandpa Smith won’t be able to make because the borders are closed but we will be there for Aunty Stars special day!
Now for the pictures :) They are in order from most recent to oldest, so April to January!
Waiting in line to get into Trader Joe’s (it started to rain and I didn’t bring you a coat so you are wearing mine)
Yoga and sleep :)
I did your hair in two buns.
Our little Kitty Cat :)
Dad trying to teach you how to crawl.
Seeing the ducks on BYU campus.
Grandma Strong brought you an Easter gift.
Playing with your toys. You love the Flynn Rider doll :)
Too much fun on Daddy’s head. You love to pull his hair!
Eating some refined beans and tortillas. You like to feed yourself and do a really good job at eating even though you have no teeth.
Playing agin with your toys.
On our way home from school! You were so tired you fell asleep in the carrier.
Kailey caught you spiting up on camera 😂😂
Valentines Day
Playing with your friend Aria
Helping mom with the laundry.
At the park!
The day mom stopped feeding you purred food....
Silly Baby!!
Playing with the two little boys I babysat every Tuesday and Thursday
In Mom’s geography class :)
Grandma Strong says the reason you haven’t learned to crawl yet is because you are too content with life, it is very true :)
Baby play dates with our friends from the ward.
Grandma and Grandpa Smith visiting us in February.
Helping mom fold the diapers
Snuggling with Aria
Anne, Dad’s cousin who also happened to serve in my mission, came to visit us and meet you!
Right after you got a hair cut :)
We love you sweet girl!
Love, Mom
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