Beverly: October Fun!
Dear Beverly,
It has been about a month since I have written! I wanted to try and write every week and then when that wasn’t happening I though maybe every 2 weeks. Now I am thinking once a month :) Life is like that though, you always need to adapt and rearrange priorities.
So where should I begin? I could write about all the things that happened this past month... but I think I will just upload a TON of pictures and include captions to summarize all our adventures. I love that it so easy to take and upload pictures! When I was little we printed all the pictures we took and put them in albums. I love looking at all the pictures and trying to remember or imagine what life was like. I often find that pictures are the easiest way for me to remember stories.

Daddy’s Birthday! He got a BYU sweatshirt from Grandma Strong and we left that day to go to Saint George.

We were in Saint George for the Huntsman Senior Games. Daddy’s BYU research team were looking at old peoples feet (ask your dad about that) and we went to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa Strong. These pictures are of Grandma Strong and I doing your hair..... sorry about that.

I love the way you look at your daddy! You are such a daddy’s girl :) Sundays are for Daddy Daughter time- Daddy holds you at church and takes care of you all day!

Grandma and Grandpa Smith and Levi drove down to Provo on thier way to Arizona for our Wakefield cousins mission farewell and to drop off aunt Kailey. They spent two days with us in Provo and then we jumped in the car with them and went down to AZ. It was a 12 hour car trip both ways and you did so good! You mostly slept as did Dad.

It has been about a month since I have written! I wanted to try and write every week and then when that wasn’t happening I though maybe every 2 weeks. Now I am thinking once a month :) Life is like that though, you always need to adapt and rearrange priorities.
So where should I begin? I could write about all the things that happened this past month... but I think I will just upload a TON of pictures and include captions to summarize all our adventures. I love that it so easy to take and upload pictures! When I was little we printed all the pictures we took and put them in albums. I love looking at all the pictures and trying to remember or imagine what life was like. I often find that pictures are the easiest way for me to remember stories.

Daddy’s Birthday! He got a BYU sweatshirt from Grandma Strong and we left that day to go to Saint George.

We were in Saint George for the Huntsman Senior Games. Daddy’s BYU research team were looking at old peoples feet (ask your dad about that) and we went to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa Strong. These pictures are of Grandma Strong and I doing your hair..... sorry about that.

I love the way you look at your daddy! You are such a daddy’s girl :) Sundays are for Daddy Daughter time- Daddy holds you at church and takes care of you all day!
Our new car! Dad flew to Minneapolis and drove 19hours home with it. We were glad it works. The other picture is of you in the library. My friend was watching you while I was in class and you just fell asleep on the floor. You like to sleep with your thumb in your mouth and the other hand in your hair :)
The many faces of Beverly :) That jumpsuit was given to you by my friend Anessa. If we were catholic your Godmother would probably be Anessa.

Grandma and Grandpa Smith and Levi drove down to Provo on thier way to Arizona for our Wakefield cousins mission farewell and to drop off aunt Kailey. They spent two days with us in Provo and then we jumped in the car with them and went down to AZ. It was a 12 hour car trip both ways and you did so good! You mostly slept as did Dad.

Having fun in Thatcher Arizona- we got lots of Daddy time!

Grandma Smith and Daddy had to fight over you in church :) You had a dress on at one point but it was soiled by the time we got to church.
Well that was October. Hopefully this next month I write a little more but to be honest I probably wont. The semester is coming to a close and I have lots of projects due and tests to prepare for. You are also no longer sleeping through the night :( so that is fun! But don’t worry life is good and I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Love, Mom
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