Beverly: Ringing in the New Year
Dear Beverly,
I am with Grandma Strong today and she asked when I was going to update my blog. I figured with it being New Years Day now would be a good time. My original hope had been to write each week but I am doing a post about every month so ill be content with that :)
Beverly’s New Years Resolutions:
1. Learn to roll from stomach to back!
2. Try as many new foods as possible
3. Smile at 5 new people every day (at least)
4. Help Mommy and Daddy remember how lucky they are!
Your First Christmas:
We had such a fun holiday! We didn’t go to Canada this year because we went last year and because Daddy needed to work. We are hopping to get you to Canada this summer though! Anyways we spent 3 days with Grandma and Grandpa Newman and then the other 3 days with Grandma and Grandpa Strong. Aunt Gillian and Uncle Jake flew up from Texas and did the same, so we got to spend a lot of time with them! Daddy drove back and forth from Provo the whole week so he could work during the day and be with us in the evenings.
Some highlights with Grandma and Grandpa Newman:
Going Ice Skating on Christmas Eve day! They let us take your stroller on the ice. We all had a ton of fun.
We opened up most of our presents Christmas Eve so that we would have more time Christmas Morning for breakfast before getting on the road again to go to Great grandma's house and see Grandma Strong. We did a workout that morning with everyone and it was super fun but we were really sore afterwards. You enjoyed watching us all suffer through it :)

Catching Up:
Even though I posted last month I didn’t include any pictures and as you know I take a lot of pictures! So here some pictures from the last 2 months (they are not necessarily in order):

You have developed such a fun personality and started to interact more with others. These are pictures of your playing with Aria, the little girl I babysit 2x a week (her mom watches you 2x a week as well)

You are the smiliest little girl and you love to smile at everyone! (We think it is because you love the attention :)) We took you to a Divine Comedy show on campus and they gave away a ton of glow sticks during the show, you fell asleep with them. We also visited the Felix’s (Daddy’s YSA bishop) and there 5 year old son wanted to hold you... you were a good sport about it!

You have started to hold your bottle somewhat on your own and you haven’t he proudest look on your face every time you do it :) Daddy loves to take you hiking with him, as pictured both below and above. You and Luke (our neighbor) have also become such good friends!

We sure to love you Beverly! We love to watch you grow and interact with us more and more. Your sweet, happy personality is really starting to show through. Your dad and I were just talking last night about what a wonderful year it has been and we both agreed you were the best part!
Love, Mom
I am with Grandma Strong today and she asked when I was going to update my blog. I figured with it being New Years Day now would be a good time. My original hope had been to write each week but I am doing a post about every month so ill be content with that :)
Beverly’s New Years Resolutions:
1. Learn to roll from stomach to back!
2. Try as many new foods as possible
3. Smile at 5 new people every day (at least)
4. Help Mommy and Daddy remember how lucky they are!
Your First Christmas:
We had such a fun holiday! We didn’t go to Canada this year because we went last year and because Daddy needed to work. We are hopping to get you to Canada this summer though! Anyways we spent 3 days with Grandma and Grandpa Newman and then the other 3 days with Grandma and Grandpa Strong. Aunt Gillian and Uncle Jake flew up from Texas and did the same, so we got to spend a lot of time with them! Daddy drove back and forth from Provo the whole week so he could work during the day and be with us in the evenings.
Some highlights with Grandma and Grandpa Newman:
Going Ice Skating on Christmas Eve day! They let us take your stroller on the ice. We all had a ton of fun.
Daddy was there too, he just got cut out by the picture.
Grandma and Grandpa Newman got a new puppy, Bob, and were watching Cousin Cash’s puppy, Marshal, as well. We had lots of fun snuggling and playing with the puppies.
Highlights with Grandma and Grandpa Strong:
We spent Christmas Day at GGma and GGpa Whiting’s. We opened more presents and ate some yummy food and relaxed! You got the cutest owl toque from GGma Strong :)
Friday night (the 27th) Gma Strong took us to Luminaria at Thanksgiving point to see all the pretty lights. Afterwards we said our goodbyes and headed home!
Catching Up:
Even though I posted last month I didn’t include any pictures and as you know I take a lot of pictures! So here some pictures from the last 2 months (they are not necessarily in order):
You started teething! You love to chew on everything :) You have also started rolling over but you can only go from your back to your stomach and not the other way so you usually end up on your stomach and cry until someone helps you roll onto your back.

You have developed such a fun personality and started to interact more with others. These are pictures of your playing with Aria, the little girl I babysit 2x a week (her mom watches you 2x a week as well)

You are the smiliest little girl and you love to smile at everyone! (We think it is because you love the attention :)) We took you to a Divine Comedy show on campus and they gave away a ton of glow sticks during the show, you fell asleep with them. We also visited the Felix’s (Daddy’s YSA bishop) and there 5 year old son wanted to hold you... you were a good sport about it!

You have started to hold your bottle somewhat on your own and you haven’t he proudest look on your face every time you do it :) Daddy loves to take you hiking with him, as pictured both below and above. You and Luke (our neighbor) have also become such good friends!
Getting in the Holiday Spirit!

You helping Daddy practice the piano and a fun pictures of you talking!
You and Luke :) After this picture was taken you started to chew on your own foot!!

First time sledding with Daddy, you were not the biggest fan because Dad let the sled tip over and you went face first into the snow... Mom wasn’t too happy either.

Bath time is the best time!

Grandma Strong likes to visit on Sundays and when she doesn’t I make sure to send her pictures of you in your cute Sunday dresses that she buys you.
These pictures our from Thanksgiving. Grandma and Grandpa Newman took us to the pool and you went on the water slide with Dad and Grandpa! (It was a little traumatizing at first but not so bad the second time :))
We sure to love you Beverly! We love to watch you grow and interact with us more and more. Your sweet, happy personality is really starting to show through. Your dad and I were just talking last night about what a wonderful year it has been and we both agreed you were the best part!
Love, Mom
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